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Help make Shakespeare accessible to everyone

As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, we need your financial support to keep doing what we do best: overcoming obstacles to make great Shakespeare accessible to everyone.  Cash donations can be made in the following ways, or scroll down for a list of other Ways To Give.


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Text “SFSHAKES” to 56651 and follow the prompts


Checks to:
San Francisco Shakespeare Festival
PO Box 460937
San Francisco, CA 94146

San Francisco Shakespeare Festival is a 501(c)3 non-profit public benefit organization. Our FEIN Tax Number is 94-286-7269. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.  Your donations:

  • Keep Free Shakespeare in the Park free in local public parks.
  • Pay Teaching Artists equitable wages to work with students in Shakespeare Camps.
  • Create teacher resources for Shakespeare On Tour and Takes On Shakes.
  • Provide engaging instruction for people on the autism spectrum in Shakespeare’s Heartbeat.

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other ways to give

why give?

For over 40 years, we have put inclusion and accessibility at the center of our work by sharing the works and words of William Shakespeare with communities throughout the Bay Area and beyond, regardless of anyone’s age, ethnicity, financial status, or level of education.

Your financial support is essential to our ability to deliver on our values:

  • Everyone deserves access to great, timeless art
  • Shakespeare is for everyone
  • Shared experiences build community
  • The arts are essential
  • Artists and educators deserve to be fairly compensated

Donations to SF Shakes improve our artistic and educational programming, and pay real, local, working artists. Just because it’s free doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be excellent, nor that it comes cheaply! Donations help us engage more people, and expand free access to arts and arts education.

When other arts institutions had to cancel entire seasons, we met the moment by recommitting to our mission, and innovating new programs like Virtual Shakespeare Camps, Takes on Shakes, and Free Shakespeare @ Home that were live, safe, and emotionally powerful.

Artistic expression enables each of us to experience joy, and also to explore meaningful topics. When you give to SF Shakes, you give others the support, education, and artistic inspiration they need to heal.

The arts reflect who we each are, and donating is one way to put your values into action.

decades of success

SF Shakes has evolved from an impromptu production of The Tempest on a picnic table in 1983, to a leading regional theater company. We specialize in engaging and cultivating new and non-traditional audiences because at the heart of our work lies great, powerful, living art.

Most people know us through our annual Free Shakespeare in the Park productions. Over 1 million students know us from our meaningful Arts Education and Outreach Programs. We have a unique place in California’s arts ecology for our long history of quality performances, and for authentic community engagement.

We make artistically inspiring, data-informed, and mission-driven decisions in everything we do. We tailor our approach to continually increase community representation on stage, and among our audiences. As a result, real data confirms that our audiences are as representative and diverse as our Bay Area home.